Comparsion/Contrast Paragraph

Living in a village vs Living in a city

Either you live in a small village like I used to do, or you live in a big city like I am living now, you know the benefits or the disadvantages. Small villages can have a lot of benefits, for example, it's small! A lot of "green places" and not a lot of people. If you want to go take a walk in the forest, you can do it whenever you want. You can walk your dog without any problems, probably you won't run into another person with a dog. Because it's small, it can have a nice community where people help eachother. The disadvantages are, there are probably one or two shops in most small vilages (there can be more if it's a big village, but not that much like in a city). The other one depends on the person, if you don't like that everyone knows everything about you then you won't like living in a small village. On the other hand, living in a city can make your life harder if you want to take a walk in a forest, or just walk your dog. There are fewer "green places". Although there are more shops, and more people, it can be a disadvantage. People are distant from eachother in a city, but you can always meet new people. In conclusion, both can be a good option, but it really depends on the person you are.

-Németh István Martin


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